You can return your order by requesting a return within 15 days from delivery and by following these simple steps:
1. Request a Return Authorisation Number (RAN) in one of these two ways:
- If you are a registered user: you can access the “Orders” section in your account by clicking here. Find the order that contains the product or products that you would like to return and click on “Return product” and then follow the steps.
- If you are not registered: access the “Return Authorisation” section, found here.
What is a RAN? Why do I have to request one?
2. (EU countries) Fill out and sign the Return Proforma Invoice that was sent with your order. Place it inside the package together with the packaged items ready to be returned.
I've lost the Return Proforma Invoice. How can I get a new one?
2. (non-EU countries) Fill out and sign the Return Proforma Invoice that was sent with your order.
Make 4 copies so that you have 5 invoices in total. Place one inside the package together with the packaged items ready to be returned. Give the other 4 to the courier when they pick up the return as they are required for customs clearance.
I've lost the Return Proforma Invoice. How can I get a new one?
3. Attach the returns label to the outside of the package. It will have been sent together with your order.
I have lost the return label. How can I obtain another copy?
4. Contact the courier within 15 days of creating the RAN to book the package collection, consulting the details in the “How to book a return” section.
Parajumpers will refund the price of the products purchased by deducting the cost of the shipping cost of your return.
You can consult our Return Policy at any time by clicking here.